instant coffee vs ground coffee

Instant Coffee vs Ground Coffee (Quick vs Delicious)

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We’ve all been there – we need (want) coffee and somehow we only have instant coffee packets… so we make do. While there are people who prefer instant coffee, a lot swear by ground coffee. But what's the difference, and which one is better? 

In this post, we'll explore the pros and cons of both instant coffee vs ground coffee, and perhaps shift your thoughts on why ground coffee is preferable. :)

Note: We’re not necessary talking about the higher quality “instant” brands out there which are mushroom or nootropic based coffee. This is focused on just the instant coffee with no added benefits.

How Instant Coffee Vs Ground Coffee Is Made

There’s slight differences in how instant coffee vs ground coffee is made.

For instant coffee, the surface level is obvious – it’s coffee you can make instantly with hot water and no additional coffee paraphernalia needed. It’s great when you’re on the go, your work doesn’t have a coffee maker, or you’re traveling and camping in the wilderness. 

Did you know that instant coffee has been brewed and then freeze-dried (or spray-dried) to create a powder? This makes it easy to mix the powder with hot water and go. It also has a longer shelf life than ground coffee, which means you can keep it in your pantry for months if you’re more of a casual coffee drinker and not a daily consumer of it.

Ground coffee, on the other hand, has a richer flavor and aroma than instant coffee, plus a larger variety of choices. It’s been roasted, ground, and then packaged up for you to enjoy. 😋

You’ll need something to brew it in though – a coffee maker, french press, pour over, etc.

Pros And Cons Of Ground Coffee Vs Instant Coffee

Pros and cons for ground coffee vs instant coffee can be pretty personal, but there’s a few that likely apply to everyone

Ground Coffee

When it comes to ground coffee, the biggest advantage is its flavor. Ground coffee has a complex flavor profile with notes of fruit, chocolate, and nuts. It also has a rich aroma that can fill your home with a delightful scent and make it feel like a true experience before going out into the world.

Ground coffee is often made from higher quality beans than instant coffee, which then reflects in what you taste and even how you feel afterwards. 

However, ground coffee does have a few downsides. It requires a bit more time and effort to make, and it can also be more expensive than instant coffee.

Instant Coffee

The biggest advantage of instant coffee is its convenience. You can make it practically anywhere in seconds, and you don’t need to be near a coffee maker. 

Instant coffee is also cheaper than ground coffee, making it a budget-friendly option. 

There are a few downsides though, as with anything that’s focused on convenience. One of the biggest is its flavor (and that’s def a BIGGIE.) 

Instant coffee is often described as tasting "flat", "artificial”  or “blah.” It lacks the complex flavor notes and aroma of freshly ground coffee which is what many of us look forward to outside of the energy boost. 

Plus, many brands of instant coffee contain additives, such as sugar or powdered creamer, which can negatively impact the taste and nutritional value of the coffee. AND. You’re stuck with it because it’s all mixed into one powder.

Main Differences Between Instant Coffee Vs Ground Coffee

chart comparing instant coffee vs ground coffee

The major differences are in..

  • Flavor and aroma
  • Convenience
  • Quality and freshness
  • Cost

This is similar to what we’ve shared earlier, but to hammer this point home… a huge difference between instant coffee vs ground coffee is flavor and aroma. And while we may not think it matters, if you have them back to back, you’ll be able to tell the difference. 

And this is coming from someone who had a variety of instant coffee brands, from the store bought ones, to Starbucks (which weren’t that great, tbh).

Ground coffee has a richer, more complex flavor than instant coffee, with a deeper aroma that makes drinking it feel… luxurious and wonderful. 

Additionally, ground coffee gives you more control over the brewing process, which means you can adjust the strength and flavor of your coffee to your liking and you’re not stuck with additives like instant coffee. 

Ground coffee is also typically made from higher quality beans than instant coffee, which means you get a better coffee experience overall.

Here's a breakdown of the differences between instant and ground coffee in terms of flavor/aroma, convenience, quality/freshness, and cost.


  • Instant coffee lacks the complexity and depth of flavor found in ground coffee.
  • Ground coffee has a richer, more complex flavor profile with notes of fruit, chocolate, and nuts.
  • Instant coffee also lacks the rich aroma that we all love

(Winner: Ground coffee)


  • Instant coffee is convenient and easy to use. You simply mix the powder with hot water and your coffee is ready in seconds.
  • Ground coffee requires more effort and equipment, such as a coffee maker or French press. But many people (us included!) find the process of brewing coffee to be enjoyable and a ritualistic part of their day.

(Winner: Instant coffee)


  • Instant coffee is often made from lower quality beans and may contain additives that can negatively impact the taste and nutritional value of the coffee.
  • Ground coffee is typically made from higher quality beans and is often fresher, as it's packaged immediately after being roasted and ground.
  • Instant coffee also has a longer shelf life, while ground coffee can go stale if not used within a certain amount of time.

(Winner: Ground coffee)


  • Instant coffee is cheaper than ground coffee, making it a budget-friendly option.
  • Ground coffee is a better value in terms of quality and overall coffee experience.
  • Buying high-quality ground coffee in bulk can be more cost-effective in the long run.

(Winner: Instant coffee, unless bulk buying ground)

Why Do So Many Prefer Ground Coffee Vs Instant Coffee?

If you need some additional qualifying or still aren’t sure whether or not you want to stock up on ground coffee vs instant coffee:

  • Better flavor and aroma
  • More control over brewing
  • Higher quality and freshness
  • More sustainable

PLUS, brewing ground coffee is more sustainable than using instant coffee, as it doesn't produce any plastic waste from single-use packets. It’s even more sustainable if you’re brewing with reusable filters rather than paper.

There’s definitely a time and place where instant coffee makes sense – for example, traveling/camping, hotels, work, or going places where you just can’t use something to brew. But if you’re an instant coffee drinker and want to change up your experience, we can’t give enough claps and cheers for ground coffee – especially when it’s freshly ground then brewed. It’s a delicious way to elevate your morning rituals. 

Try a coffee blend and sit for a spell

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